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Become the CEO of your own life

Deepak Chopra - 21 day Abundance Meditation: Day 4

Welcome to day 4 of the challenge - go out there and get that abundance!



In your notebook today make a list  of people whom you consider to be prosperous in your family or environment. These are people you personally know and have access to. They have achieved their goals in life, all or in part, are happy, or are perceived by you as happy.

N.B here we are not talking only about financial prosperity we are focusing on joy and happiness

These can be people from the previous list. How many does not matter, even two is enough.


Listen to Day 4 Deepak Chopra meditation here.

Today’s phrase: 

“From this moment forward, I invite unlimited abundance into my life.”

Mantra: Aham Bramasmi

OPTIONAL - Write the answers to the questions below in your notebook (or simply answer them yourself)


QUESTION 1: What does it mean to you to be immersed in pure consciousness?


QUESTION 2: How can you bring this awareness into your everyday life?


QUESTION 3: How has the practice of meditation helped you connect with your pure consciousness?

“From this moment forward, I invite unlimited abundance into my life.”